Package Overview Tab

  • updated 4 yrs ago

Package Overview

The Package overview tab is where you manage packages published from your Designer workspace. It is the centralized page where you can see all of the packages published from your workspace, where you can download your published applications, and where you can delete more than one published package at one time. This tab also shows you if your published package is based on a particular framework.

If your list of published packages is not very long you can browse through it easily, but as your list grows you can also search the list of published applications, looking for a project name, or a published package name, or even by the framework on which it was based.

Search Published Projects

Search for published projects on the Package overview tab.

  1. To search for a particular project or projects, enter a search term in the appropriate column and press the Enter key on your keyboard.
  2. To return to the complete list of published projects delete the search terms from the search fields and press the Enter key on your keyboard.
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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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