Linking Content References

  • updated 4 mths ago


Whether you have created content references within the Designer in resources/content of a project or created articles in a KnowledgeCenter application, the process of linking one or more of these information assets to a node within a logicnet is the same.

Link a Content Reference to a Node

Once you have created content references in the content folder or in the Knowledge Center you can then link that content to specific nodes in your logicnets.

  1. Select the node in your logicnet where you would like to link a reference.
  2. Click the Resources tab for that node.
  3. Using the Select the source dropdown menu, select whether you are using content in the content folder or from the Knowledge Center.
  4. Click on the content to link and click Add to add this content to the node. The selected content should show in the content linked to this element table
  5. Click save to save your changes.

Note: Content sorting will be part of a future build. To reorder content now select and delete articles and then re-add them in the desired order.

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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