
  • updated 4 yrs ago

At LogicNets we use the following terms when we talk about using our system. 

Term What It Means
Application An application is what we call your project once you publish it and users interact with it. Some applications interact with other applications and not with end users, however.
Call Node This is a system-facing step that allows you to call--link to--another logicnet. It is the way you connect logicnets together.
Data This is the information you gather in your application. It is also what we call the information you use to create your application.
Data Model The data model is the collection of the data objects. The data model for a logicnet is the list of all of the data objects in that logicnet, and the data model for a project is the list of all of the data objects in the logicnets that make up your project.
Data Object This is the generic name of the particular piece of information you want to collect. For example, if you create a field where you want the user to enter his or her first name your data object might be firstname. Data objects are individual repositories of information that can hold  number values, text strings, pictures, pre-formatted text, reports, files, and databases.
Designer The Designer is where you create logicnets and projects and where you manage the data and images that make up your applications. 
Designer Viewer This is where you see your logicnet steps.
Editor These are the tools in LogicNets through which you edit or update your steps, logicnets, projects, and resources. Each step type has its own editor, which gives you access to the actions your application can take using that step and the fields you need to fill out to make your part work.
Form Node This is a user-facing step in your application that contains text, images, and other items the user sees. Used to present information to or retrieve input from a user.
Form-Part Node The Form-part node is a step is like a Form step but it breaks out individual actions you might include in a Form step. This gives you the ability to make your content even more modular. You use form-part nodes in frameworks.
Framework A framework is a group of logicnets, data tables, and resources that LogicNets created and packaged to perform use-specific functions. You can apply a framework to your application to provide powerful packaging options that define your application’s behavior – what it looks like and how users can interact with it. When you create an application based on a framework, your application inherits all of the functionality and features in that framework. You can also stack multiple frameworks.
Library This is a package that contains reusable logic, including business content and/or functional logic. Other packages can reference a library package, much like DLLs in Windows.
Logicnet Logicnets are the heart of the LogicNets application. A logicnet is similar to a process flow—it is a series of steps that you combine to create a logical progression of actions for performing a particular task or procedure. Each step in a logicnet represents a distinct set of instructions the logicnet will carry out as part of the overall application or process. An application can consist of one logicnet or it can be made of multiple logicnets that you link together.
Node A node is a step, the individual building blocks you use to create a logicnet. The system contains a number of different types of nodes that can be categorized into one of the following types: user-facing or system-facing.
Package This is a published project, and we call it an application when it is opened by a user. A package typically contains business content, but there are also special types packages: framework and library.
Part Parts are the actions that are available in each node--they are the functions you can use on each step.

Each function you include on a step—radio button, dropdown list, or text field, for example—is called a part in the LogicNets application. Parts make up steps, steps make up logicnets, and logicnets make up applications.
Process Node This is a system-facing step in your application that contains actions the system performs. Used for processes and operations not visible to the user.
Project A project is where you create the collection of logicnets, images, documents, data, and layout/styling details that make up your application. When you are ready to create a package and give users access to your application, you publish your project.
Router Node This a system-facing step that tells your logicnet which path to follow based on certain criteria. A Router step determines which path the user follows in the logicnet based on the exact option the user selected instead of evaluating if an answer or condition is true or false.
Rule Node This is a system-facing step that evaluates whether the answer to a question or a particular action you created is true or false and routes the system or user to the next step based on that answer. As a general rule of thumb, if the answer to the question or choice you give your user or system has two outcomes use a Rule to tell the system where to go next.
System Step These are steps that tell the system what to do in your completed application. You define the actions and the order in which the system performs them. System steps include process steps, rules, routers, and call steps.
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